Bulk Rock / Stone & Landscaping Boulders

We offer several different types of landscaping rocks, stone,and boulders for all your landscape projects.  Some landscape products can vary in color, texture, size, and weight because of many factors.  It is recommended to view the products at our location in person


Black and Tan Rock

Black and tan is a native, dark black rock with tan highlights that add a beautiful combination of colors to any landscape. It is a very dense rock that outlasts most landscape rocks and is a great alternative to wood barks. The black and tan rock comes two size  mini and 1 inch diameter.

Snake River Cobble and Pea Gravel

Snake River Cobblestone literally has every color in the rainbow. Besides using it for water features, this rock can be used to make cute little flower bed edge stones or tree rings.

Snake River Pea Gravel is the smallest of the Snake River products. Its round smooth texture and the beautiful blue and tan colors make it a fun product to add to almost any pathway or area that you plan on being barefoot.

Landscaping Boulders

We have an array of landscaping boulders to choose from to add character to your outdoor space. Whether you’re looking to line your driveway or property, or a place to sit on near your outdoor fireplace or fountain we have what you’re looking for. Harvested in Idaho, you can choose from Lichen boulders, Black and Tan Boulders, Red Sandstone, or Lava Lichen Rock to complement your yard.